First Day of School ( yes, we get to wear the lovely uniforms. I get the reason for it, but I also want the freedom of style! )
Marley and her class.
Marley with her teacher
Marley with her cousin Emery, who came to visit for her school tea party.
With her BFF getting ready for her 1st field trip to the Apple Orchard.
and at the Orchard
She is having SO much fun being a Kindergartner. There hasn't been a day she's not excited to go to school! This makes driving her and picking her up everyday soooo easy for me.
Aria has started school too!! LOL. The ladies where Marley attending MDO ( mothers day out ) begged me to start bringing Aria. They had watched her grow since she was in my belly, and they have adored her since. I was a little skeptical beings that she's so young and I'd never left Marley at that age, but I'm so glad we decided to do so. She loves her Tuesdays and Thursdays playing with her friends and being taken care of by the two sweetest ladies. Every time I go to pick her up it's as if she doesn't even care I'm there. Rather than putting her arms out for me, she just keeps playing and doing what she was doing before she'd even seen me. I really am happy she enjoys her time there.
She has also improved on her walking. She hasn't fully exploded on the idea of it yet, but she takes time to practice each day. She loves walking from couch to couch and she'll squat to pick up a toy then stand all the way up and maybe take a step or two then stand awhile longer. She totally has the leg strength and I just think she's holding out until Daddy gets back. :)
I am so proud of the growth both my girls have made. I am so blessed to be their Mom.