My sister in law, Jessie took me out to do some "Belly Beautiful" photos the morning of my Birthday. Talk about a FUN way to kick off the day feeling extra special. Thanks sweetie!! Doesn't she just have a natural eye for photography? I am 30 wks in these.
Then the day after my birthday my sisters threw me a Baby Shower. They did such a wonderful job!! I am SO blessed to be surrounded by so much love and support. We ate some delicious food, tie -dyed onsie's, played a questioner game and just enjoyed each others company. WHAT A BLAST!!!

The evening of my baby shower was the beginning of the FLOOD. My girlfriends weren't able to make it because they had started closing highways. CRAZY!!! It rained for 2 days straight. Nashville hadn't had this much water since the 1930's. Lucky no one in our family had much damage but here is a peek at our neighborhood just across the street from us.

The car and truck in these photos had floated down the river from off the highway miles away. Semi's were being washed away and we even had a house floating down the highway. SO much damage has been done .... Oprymills and Land got flooded, the Ryman Auditorium was flooded along with Downtown. There is A LOT of work to be done and our prayers go out to those family's in need.
Just a general idea of what it looked like after the water had drained out. You can't even see the river from the road.

Oh, Mandy, I have been wondering about you & your family over there with all of the flooding. I almost called just to be sure it was all okay. I am SO glad you didn't have to be part of the direct mess of it all. Thank you for posting!
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 27 sounds so crazy. I just can't believe we are in our late 20's which sounds old, but I know in the scheme of things it is still SO young! My coworkers would die to be in their 20's again. Even though I've heard people love their 30's the most :)
You are such a cute prego. I'm glad you had a fun shower, I love the green wall of whoever's house that is. I think showers of the joys of life! I love a party & especially one that celebrates such a special time :)
Well I have been waiting for some cute belly shots.....to make myself feel bad!! You’re so cute and little! I wish I had a volleyball belly instead of a beach ball belly!!! You look like your glowing and beautiful carrying that baby! I too am glad that you were spared the major damage of the crazy flood! Good luck to you and you growing family in the next few remaining weeks!!
That belly of yours is absolutely darling! Oh Mandy...I miss you! Hopefully when I come for a visit this summer you can be there too and we can see each other! You are a such a beautiful person!
Beautiful belly shots Mandy! I am so happy you & your fam are safe. Love to you.
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