I figured since it's been over a year I'll go ahead and take some time to catch everyone up. Geez, where to start!!! Well, Marley will be turning 3 at the end of next month. CRAZY HUH!!! I can't hardly believe that it's been 3 years since I had her. Man how time flys! But on the top note what amazing 3 years it has been. I have learned more from Marley in these past 3 years then I have my whole 25 years of life! What a blessing. One of my most favorite things to do with her are.....well, first of all slow myself down, then get on her level and see things through her eyes. I've really enjoyed being a kid again.
When I'm not spending my time with Marley or Nathan I am either studying or at class. I started Massage Therapy school back in January and will be finished Dec. 3rd. I have loved EVERY second of it. It feels so good to have peace with the career choice I've made and it's SO family friendly! I start my clinic hrs in a week therefore Marley will be starting preschool. I don't think the girl could be anymore excited about it. She enjoys collecting backpacks and can't wait to show them off to her new teacher. The only thing she IS bummed about is that she won't be riding the school bus yet. She's so independent. Isn't it cool to ride with Mom? I can't wait to see what she's like in high school! Huh!
Nathan is our glue. He's what holds us all together. The poor man lives in a house with 2 girls!!! He is such a wonderful husband and magnificent daddy. The other night ago I was soaking in the bath and of coarse Marley had to join me....she's such a little fish. Anyway, I was doing an exercize with my chakras where you pretty much just sing notes until you find the one that your body needs. Marley was loving it!!! I couldn't quit hit the bass notes I was needing so I asked Nate to sing them for us while he was working in the office. Anyway, my whole point to this story is Marley and I are always doing crazy girl stuff and I'm sure Nate would just LOVE a guys night out. He is so patient, gently and loving with us and I'm so glad to have him in my life.
I hope you all are enjoying the cooler weather as much as I am. May you feel peace and beauty around you.
your daughter is beautiful!
I love that you are back on the blogging wagon and hope to hear more posts from you1 You are still as beautiful as ever and your daughter is so cute!! Miss ya~
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