Poppa and Daddy stayed up to build her a wooden sheep. Do you remember the post from our Nauvoo trip where she couldn't keep her eyes off the wooden sheep there. Well, Poppa and Nanna thought it'd be a GREAT idea to make her one for her B-Day and it turned out to be a hit. She ADORES Allie...that's what she's named her. She sits and watches movies with her, drags her to her room to color and read to her. She even gets her food and water before tieing her up for the night.

I wasn't able to get a photo of all of us but here's one of us girls!

I sure am thankful for friends and family. You all fill our hearts with love and I really appreciate YOU!

P.S. Do you notice anything different about Marleys ears in the last photo? That's right! She got them pierced. She was SO excited and such a brave girl. After the first ear she looked at me with filled eyes and I had to tell her it was ok to cry. Even then she only shed a few. She's SO tough....a little TOO tough at times.
Happy Birthday! She is so beautiful like you! How blessed you are to have such a joy in your life!
It makes me want to cry boogs. I hate that they grow up so fast. I wish I were there to give her a big fat kiss! Happy Birthday Mar Bear. I hope that you had so much fun. I'm so glad that your parents were able to come visit for such a special day.
4!! crazy talk! gosh.. time flies. she is as cute as ever.. and still looks just like you i think ;)
how fun your parents came.. nothing like visitors when your away from family huh?!
I love that the other night when we dropped the boys off, Mar Bear comes running to the door yelling "Cole, Jackson! I have to show you stuff!" and she runs back to her room... so cute! Love her earrings. We talked about them tonight. I am so happy she loves to come over here. Love you guys!
Happy Birthday Marley!!! Her and Brooklyn are SO close in age! SO fun! I have to say I'm very proud of Mar! Brooklyn thought she wanted her ears peirced too, but after they put the purple dots on her ears, she started to cry and changed her mind. ;) Ha! So cute! 4 is a great age!
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