I can't believe how fast the days fly by. Do you ever have days were you feel like you've just began to get caught up on things, you blink and then it's bed time? These past couple of weeks have been SO crazy busy.....but we've still managed to schedule our family play days.
We took a trip to the zoo on a rainy day.....well luckily it didn't rain on us until we were on our way out, but it was SO much fun. We brought along our umbrellas and had a blast. My mom sent Marley a duck umbrella and she carries it around with her everywhere hoping to catch some rain. So cute.
I volunteered at the Marathon this year and it was wonderful. I really enjoyed helping warm up and stretch many wonderful athletes. I called Nathan, him and Marley came down and we watch them cross the finish line. I teared up more than once. I have such a passion for running and I enjoyed watching others accomplish such a wild and wonderful goal. Nathan and I will be running it for the second time next year. So if any of you want to train with us you are more than welcome to.
For volunteering this year I got free tickets to Billy Currington and took Nathan. He has such a good voice and his band members really put on a show. They had good energy and charisma. Afterwards I was wanting dessert.....of coarse and we couldn't find a place that was open. We drove around everywhere and ended up at the Krystals drive through. For those of you in the west it's similar to McDonalds only a little better. Isn't that crazy!!! What I won't do for a little late night snack. Ha, ha!!!
Today I spent the early afternoon on a family date to the lake before heading off to work. The weather has been so great this week and I LOVE it!! All 85 degrees of it. Makes it hard to be stuck indoors working. Hope you all are enjoying your weather and making the most of it.
That umbrella is so cute & it always makes grandmas feel good when kids love their gifts! How is your new job going? You need to update on it! I've been at mine for almost 6 weeks now & I LOVE it!
oh my.. how i love running in races too! and i totally would tear up too after watching people accomplish such a great goal! i have never ran a marathon.. but will someday! thats so awesome you have already done it and are doing it again! you have always been quite the lil athlete!
so awesome you volunteered at the run! what a cool experience. i just love you mandy... you're the cutest ever.
... congrats on your new job.. i'm sure you are amazing.. and i'd be the first in line if you lived closer!
(we are in indiana now.. so i guess i'm a little closer ;)
I can't believe you are goingt o do another marathon. You blow me away my cute friend. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you lately, I have been swamped. I will try and get a hold of you tomorrow.
Can I just say I am in love with Billy Currington. He had me at "We're having a party"! Can I just say, jealous much!!!It is my turn for a massage when I see you next Boogs, and none of this one hour massage. I am talken a five body slathering hours of a deep tissue massage, just joshen ya!
Miss you boogs, love your cute face!
Your blog is so cute Mandy! Miss ya!
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