I'm working at The Wood House Spa in Franklin, TN. Google it, check it out and maybe even book yourself a relaxing experience! Seriously, peace hits you right as you walk through the doors. This has been a tramendously adventurous, walking out of the shell experience for me. I've stayed up many night running through many options and prayed for much guidance as far as leaving my MarBear in the care of someone else during my hours away. WOW!!! What a hard decision to make! Sometimes I wish my child came with step by step directions when it comes to these tough choices. This was her first week at The Academy and already she's fallen in love with 3 new friends. She comes home filled with a bubbly spirit, excitement and SO much energy!! I know this is a step in the right direction.

Enjoy this upcoming weekend!!!
yahoo! i'm so glad you are having such a great experience and grateful that you are feeling good about Marbear's school~!
Yay for you! That is really awesome. It is good to know that Marley is in such good hands and in an environment that she loves while she is away from you.
Oh Mandy I am so happy for you. I wish I were there to enjoy a nice relaxing massage. Boogs, let me just say that this map of the world would take you places you have never been, hahahaha. I'm sure You placed Mar in the best care possible, and that she will be just fine. I agree about the step by step manual. Thank the Heavens for our loving Father and Brother to help us out when we are in need the most. I love you, and I am so excited for you with this new experience.
Yay Mandy. I am excited for you (and excited to come in for a relaxation day) hehe. I am proud of you.
Why can't we live closer. A massage sounds so heavenly! I need one desperately! Good luck!! I am excited for you!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope you love it at your new job. Hopefully you work with great people & great clients. :) That'll make a world of a difference. Good luck on your first couple of weeks adjusting!
It sounds WONDERFUL!! How exciting and challenging at the same time. I'm sure it's hard for you to leave miss Marley, but it sounds like she is loving it too! The best of both worlds. SO happy for you! Hanna said you are coming to town in July... lets get together FOR sure this time!! :)
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