Love how strong our bond has been throughout all these years. You are the best! BFF'S!

Some of my family drove to SLC where we saw Disney on Ice. What a FUN trip! Marley will forever cherish this I'm sure. She lit up when Nanna purchased a Tinker Bell cup she'd been eyeing for quit some time. She uses it everyday and loves to share the story of where it came from.

We spent some R&R time at Hiese Hot Springs with the fam. more than once actually. Felt SOOOO good. Each time after swimming Poppa would treat us to some pizza. What a good time to just relax and have good conversations. On one of the evenings we got to see 8 deer! They were wondering on the hillside just above the pool very peacefully and beautifully.

But best of all was being with my Dad - *AKA* Poppa. Which was the main reason for my 2 wk visit. We found out that he has Colon Cancer back in January....so needless to say I was anxiously awaiting to be with him. He is doing very well. Has been working with a Naturopathic Dr. in Idaho Falls who has him on a VERY strict diet. He says he feels GREAT, has alot more energy then ever before and best of all believes he can kick it. We are very proud of him.
Marley enjoyed watching movies with him, his tickle monster game and sitting on his "COOL DUDE" bike. LOL.

Yay! Love to see all the pictures of what you guys did and the fun trip! I am so glad you got to go see your BFF's and spend good time with your dad. Love you girl!!
Glad you had fun! Sad I missed ya!
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